Building a bigger and better future – Updates, PressWork, and PressWork PRO


Normally I wouldn’t post about a somewhat minor release almost a week after it went live.

However, here we are!

As we get closer and closer to a more polished product, I think it’s fair to let everyone know about an imminent PRO version. Yes that’s right – we’re working on PressWork PRO!

This version will include many new features and take live preview editing in WordPress to a whole new level of simplicity, and of course, coolness! My co-founder has been busy coding away on new features and making the current version of PW even better – which is not easy with a new baby in the mix!

Me, on the other hand have been juggling my day job, family, and late nights scratching my head on how to make PW the success we know it can be. Every day we get closer to our vision, but there is still lots of work to do.

The only thing that keeps us going is our love for WordPress, our desire to build something useful and game changing, and of course, the support of each and every one who has downloaded PW and contributed in one way or another – spreading the word, GitHub, our support forum, showcase, etc …

THANK YOU! With that being said, we don’t want to ruin all the surprises of PressWork PRO. So all we can say is it’s in production. We’ve closely listened to everything our community has said over these past months and we know that we have something for everyone in this version :)

Some maintenance … As WordPress keeps changing we are doing our best to change with it- hence the last few releases. We know there are some issues and with the help of the community we are doing our best to keep crushing bugs and enhancing features so please be patient :)

That being said, there will be new themes coming in the near future as well as a complete overhaul to our current theme repo and some updates to BriefCase as well. If you have any question please make sure to let us know on our support forum.

Make sure to download PressWork and let us know what you think?

If you have any suggestions or ideas for PressWork we are all ears?