How WordPress can help your SEO

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]For your brand to really flourish online having your own website won’t cut it anymore. To improve your online visibility you need to understand and implement search engine optimisation.

The practice works by having your website and content relevant and user friendly so that users can find it. If search engines find it trustworthy and optimised correctly it will rank your website higher over others.

If you use WordPress to publish your content you’re in luck as they’re several benefits and tools for How WordPress can help your SEO.

Here are just some of those benefits that WordPress has to offer to help aid you in your online presence campaign.

Or entrust this work to SEO specialists.

Link structure for posts

The URLs of the content you publish for anything on WordPress are called permalinks. Permalinks are what users put into search bars to find your website. Search engines and other also use them to link to your website which is why they are of most importance.

By default permalinks usually look scrappy with little to no relevance of your individual page, post, category or comment. If you are using WordPress however, you are able to manually change the link for it to be more recognisable. You can implement keywords and/or a clear description of the page relevance making the permalinks search engine friendly.

Including the title of the post and keywords allows search engine crawlers to easily find your content. This also makes it easier for users to find it as well outside of the search engine ranking. If a friend or family member links you a URL that is non-descript you are less likely to click on it. If it has the website along with the title, you gain a sense of trust and security about what you’re clicking on.

Title optimisation

When crawling websites the title of the page is crucial in determining your ranking. The title and title tags tell the user and the search engine what the page is about. Most algorithms usually weigh the relevance on the beginning of the title so any keywords should be at the front.

WordPress allows you to change your titles at will and rearrange if something doesn’t seem right. First impression for users’ matter so creating the perfect title is essential.

Tagging and categorisation

Tags and categories are great for sorting your content and making it easier to find for users. Being able to navigate through your website effectively and efficiently will in turn boost your ranking as well.

Having tags and categories set up correctly gives search engines you subject matter easily and is able to interpret the content more effectively.

Website optimisation plays a big part in Google’s ranking system. Having the page set up neatly may look good for users and yourself, it also boosts your ranking making it an effective and easy to implement SEO tool.

Image optimisation

Following the website optimisation trend, images also need to be optimised to guarantee the best results possible. Having engaging, relevant image titles will get you better visibility through search engines.

Uploading and optimising images via WordPress is an easy task. All you have to do is fill in the sections and choose your title and location for each image.

If you are planning on using an external website to host your content for your website, then WordPress is your best bet. It has many features and tools in order to help guide you through SEO and makes it easy to implement.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Video by SEO link builder Julian Goldie
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3 thoughts on “How WordPress can help your SEO”

  1. Whatever CMS you use, there is no way to be better than a human professional in SEO field. Yes on page SEO is the foundation on which it builds but then they will need the knowledge of SEO expert.


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